What is ADHD?
Adults with ADHD may have trouble managing time, being organized, setting goals, and holding down a job. They may also have problems with relationships, self-esteem, and addiction. It is estimated that the majority of children diagnosed with ADHD will carry some symptoms into adulthood.

Symptoms in Adults
Symptoms of ADHD may change as a person gets older. They include:
• Chronic lateness and forgetfulness
• Anxiety
• Low self-esteem
• Problems at work
• Trouble controlling anger
• Impulsiveness
• Substance abuse or addiction
• Unorganized
• Procrastination
• Easily frustrated
• Chronic boredom
• Trouble concentrating when reading
• Mood swings
• Depression
• Relationship problems

How Can Therapy Help
Having structure and a routine can help adults with ADHD function more successfully on a daily basis.
Behaviour modification teaches ways to replace unwanted behaviours with more appropriate ones.
Psychotherapy (counselling) can help someone with ADHD learn better ways to handle their emotions and frustration. It can also help improve their self-esteem. Counselling may also help family members better understand the adult with ADHD.
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Therapy is also helpful in managing stress and in relaxation.
Social skills training can teach behaviours, such as taking turns, sharing, and relationship development at home, school and work.